Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Difference Between Government Accounting And Commercial Accounting

Difference Between Government And Commercial Accounting

The main dissimilarities or difference between government accounting and commercial accounting can be pointed out as follows:

1. Introduction

Government Accounting: Process of collecting, summarizing and proper recording of financial transactions (revenues and expenditures) of government organization.
Commercial Accounting: Process of identifying, collecting, summarizing and proper recording of business transactions of financial nature of business firms.

2. Purpose

Government Accounting: To show the position of public properties and funds.
Commercial Accounting: To show the net results (profit or loss) and financial position (profitability, liquidity, solvency etc) of the business.

3. Basis

Government Accounting: It follows cash basis system
Commercial Accounting: It follows accrual basis system

4. Government Budget

Government Accounting: It is guided by the government budget
Commercial Accounting: It ignores the government budgeting

5. Auditing

Government Accounting: Books of accounts are audited by a constitutional body of the government.
Commercial Accounting: Books of accounts are audited by a professional auditor.

6. Accounting System

Government Accounting: Generally,  it is maintained under single entry system
Commercial Accounting: It follows the principles of double entry system

   Also Read

7. Final Account

Government Accounting: It does not require final account
Commercial Accounting: It requires final account to show profit or loss of the business.

Government Accounting Vs Commercial Accounting (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Government Accounting
Commercial Accounting

Collecting, summarizing and recording of revenues and expenditures of government organizations
Collecting, summarizing and recording of financial transactions of business organizations

To disclose the position of public funds
To disclose the financial position of the business
Basis Of Accounting

Cash basis
Accrual basis
Government Budget

It follows government budget
Ignores government budget

By constitutional body
Professional auditor
Accounting System

Single entry
Double entry
Final Account

Not needed

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between government accounting and commercial accounting and to make comparison between them.