Showing posts with label Statistics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Statistics. Show all posts

Difference Between Correlation And Covariance

Correlation and covariance are statistical notions used to understand the relationship between two values or variables. Correlation measures the linear relationship between two random variables. In the other hand, covariance measures the dependency between two variables. Correlation shows the relationship and covariance shows the variation between the variables.

Difference Between Correlation And Covariance

The main dissimilarities or difference between correlation and covariance can be studied as follows:

1. Introduction

Correlation: A mathematical concept which is used to measure the quantitative relationship between two random variables.
Covariance: A mathematical concept which is used to measure the variation between two random variables

2. What Is It?

Correlation: It is simply a relationship between the variables
Covariance: It is known as the variation between variables

3. Value

Correlation: Value of correlation always lies between -1 and +1
Covariance: Value of covariance lies between - Infinity and + Infinity

4. Change In The Scale

Correlation: It is not influenced by the change in the scale, it means the value of variable does not change if the value of another variable is changed.
Covariance: It is easily influenced by the change in the scale, it means if the value of one variable is changed then the value of another variable is also changed.

5. Shows

Correlation: It shows the connection between the variables.
Covariance: It shows the joint variability between the variables

Correlation Vs Covariance (Comparison Chart)



Statistical measurement of quantity relationship between the variables
Statistical measurement of variation between two variables
It Is 

Relationship between two random variables
Variation between two variables 
Lies Between

-1 and +1
- infinity and + infinity
Influenced By The Change In Scale



Distinction Between Correlation And Covariance In Short

- Correlation indicates the relationship between two values. But Covariance indicates the variation between the values.
- Correlation is not affected by the change in the value of one variable. Covariance is affected by the change in the scale.
- Correlation measures the connection between the variables. On the other hand, covariance measures the joint variability between the values or variables.

Difference Between Matrix And Determinant

Matrix refers to an arrangement of elements (numbers or symbols) in row (denoted by m) and column (denoted by n) format. It is a rectangular representation of elements covered by brackets. In contrast, determinant is a numeric value computed from matrix. It is covered by bars.

Difference Between Matrix And Determinant

The major dissimilarities or difference between matrix and determinant can be highlighted as follows:

1. Introduction

Matrix: It is a two dimensional (row and column) representation of numbers and symbols in a rectangular form.
Determinant: It is a value or number computed from square matrix with the help of mathematical calculation.

2. What Is It?

Matrix: It is a group or set of numbers or symbols
Determinant: It is only a number

3. Covered By

Matrix: It is always covered by brackets such as [ ], ( ) and { }
Determinant: It is always covered by bars such as l l

4. Rows And Columns

Matrix: Number of rows and column may or may not be equal
Determinant: Number of rows and columns should be always equal

5. Value

Matrix: It has no value because it is only an arrangement of numbers.
Determinant: It has always a fixed value.

Matrix Vs Determinant (Comparison Chart)



 Two dimensional presentation of numbers
 Value of square matrix
 Refers To

 Set of numbers/symbols
 A number only
 Covered By

 [ ], { } or ( )
 l l
 Rows / Columns

 Not always equal
 Always equal


Distinction Between Matrix And Determinant In Short

- Matrix is an arrangement of elements in row and column format. But determinant is a value square matrix.
- Matrix is a set of elements such as numbers, symbols and expressions. On the contrary, determinant is only a number.
- Matrix has no value. But determinant has fixed value.

Difference Between Algebra And Calculus

Difference Between Algebra And Calculus
The major dissimilarities or difference between algebra and calculus can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Algebra: Old or traditional branch of mathematics that studies operation and relation of mathematical functions.
Calculus: New or modern branch of mathematics that studies instantaneous rate of change

2. Scope

Algebra: It has wider scope than calculus
Calculus: It has limited scope than algebra

3. Deals With

Algebra: Rules of operations
Calculus: Rates of change

4. Simple Or Complex

Algebra: It is simple to understand and easy to calculate the mathematical problems. So, it is more popular than calculus.
Calculus: It is complex form of mathematics and difficult to calculate and understand. So, it is less popular than algebra.

5. Applicable/Useful

Algebra: It is applicable or useful in our daily life.
Calculus: It is applicable and useful in certain fields such as engineering, science etc.

6. Branches

Algebra: Elementary algebra, trigonometry, algebraic geometry,linear algebra are some branches of algebra.
Calculus: Integral calculus and differential calculus are branches of calculus

Algebra Vs Calculus (Comparison Chart)



Traditional mathematics that studies operation and relation of functions
Modern mathematics that studies instantaneous rate of change

 Wider than calculus
Narrower than algebra
Deals With

Rules of operations 
Rates of change

Applicable To

Daily Life
Professional Fields

Linear algebra, elementary algebra, trigonometry etc.
Integral calculus, differential calculus etc.

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between algebra and calculus and to make comparison between them.

Difference Between Mean And Median

Difference Between Mean And Median
The major dissimilarities or difference between mean and median can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Mean: It is an arithmetic average of numbers of given set
Median: it is a numeric value of the set which separates higher half from the lower half

2. Represents

Mean: It represents the average value of a set of data
Median: It represents the middle value of the set of data

3. Applicable

Mean: It is applicable for normal distribution
Median: It is applicable for skewed distribution

4. Type Of Average

Mean: It denotes arithmetical average
Median: It denotes positional average

5. Calculation

Mean: It can be calculated by adding total values of the set and dividing by the number of values.
Median: Selecting the middle from the set (50% of the values should be less than median and other 50 % values should be greater than median.)

6. Example

Mean: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
Then, Mean = (2+3+4+5+6+7+8)/7 = 5
Median: 3, 4, 7, 8, 9
Then, Median = 7 because it exactly lies in the middle of set.

Mean Vs Median (Comparison Chart)



Arithmetic average of given set of numbers
Numeric value that separates higher half and lower half of set of numbers

Average value 
Middle value
Applicable For

Normal distribution
Skewed distribution
Type Of average


(Sum total of all values)
    Number of values
Selection of middle value

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between mean and median and to make comparison between them.

Difference Between Census And Sampling

Difference Between Census And Sampling
The major dissimilarities or difference between census and sampling can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Census: Process of collecting, analyzing and recording data and information of entire items of the population.
Sampling: Process of collecting and recording data and information of selected items of population

2. Refers To

Census: It refers to the study of whole items, events or objects of given population
Sampling: It refers to the study of certain items or objects of the population

3. Type Of Survey

Census: It is a complete survey of every entity
Sampling: It is a partial survey of portion of population

4. Reliability And Accuracy

Census: This method is more reliable and accurate than sampling method.
Sampling: This method may lack reliability and accuracy while comparing to census method


5. Time And Effort

Census: It takes maximum time and more effort to complete survey
Sampling: It takes less time and effort than census method

6. Cost

Census: It is very costly method of data collection
Sampling: It is less costlier than census

7. Suitable For

Census: It is suitable if the members of the population are of different nature
Sampling: It is suitable of the members are of similar nature

Also Read: 

8. Verification

Census: It is difficult to verify the results in this method
Sampling: Results can be easily verified in this method

9. Simplicity

Census: It is old, unscientific and complex method
Sampling: It is new, scientific and simple method

Census Vs Sampling (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Collecting, analyzing and recording data of  whole population
Collecting, analyzing and recording data of certain items of given population
Study Of

Entire items
Specific items
Survey Type




Suitable For

Items of different nature
Items of similar nature



I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between census and sampling and to make comparison between them.

Difference Between Population And Sample

Difference Between Population And Sample
The main dissimilarities or difference between population and sample can be described as follows:
1. Introduction
Population: Set or collection of similar items or entities with similar features
Sample: It is a portion or subset of items or entities taken from the population

2. Represents

Population: It represents the whole or total set of items
Sample: It represents only a small portion of population

3. Data Collection Method

Population: Census method is used to collect data
Sample: Different sampling methods are used to collect data

Also Read: 

4. Measurable Characteristics

Population: Parameter (mean and standard deviation)
Sample: Statistics

5. Symbol Of Mean

Population: "μ" is used to denote population mean
Sample:  "x" is used to denote sample mean

Population Vs Sample (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Set of similar entities with similar nature
Some entities taken from the population

Total items of set
Small portion or population
Data Collection Method

Measurable characteristics

Mean Denoted By


I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between population and sample and to make comparison between them.