Friday, April 26, 2019

Difference Between Matrix And Determinant

Matrix refers to an arrangement of elements (numbers or symbols) in row (denoted by m) and column (denoted by n) format. It is a rectangular representation of elements covered by brackets. In contrast, determinant is a numeric value computed from matrix. It is covered by bars.

Difference Between Matrix And Determinant

The major dissimilarities or difference between matrix and determinant can be highlighted as follows:

1. Introduction

Matrix: It is a two dimensional (row and column) representation of numbers and symbols in a rectangular form.
Determinant: It is a value or number computed from square matrix with the help of mathematical calculation.

2. What Is It?

Matrix: It is a group or set of numbers or symbols
Determinant: It is only a number

3. Covered By

Matrix: It is always covered by brackets such as [ ], ( ) and { }
Determinant: It is always covered by bars such as l l

4. Rows And Columns

Matrix: Number of rows and column may or may not be equal
Determinant: Number of rows and columns should be always equal

5. Value

Matrix: It has no value because it is only an arrangement of numbers.
Determinant: It has always a fixed value.

Matrix Vs Determinant (Comparison Chart)



 Two dimensional presentation of numbers
 Value of square matrix
 Refers To

 Set of numbers/symbols
 A number only
 Covered By

 [ ], { } or ( )
 l l
 Rows / Columns

 Not always equal
 Always equal


Distinction Between Matrix And Determinant In Short

- Matrix is an arrangement of elements in row and column format. But determinant is a value square matrix.
- Matrix is a set of elements such as numbers, symbols and expressions. On the contrary, determinant is only a number.
- Matrix has no value. But determinant has fixed value.