Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Difference Between Mass And Weight

Difference Between Mass And Weight
The main dissimilarities or difference between mass and weight can be pointed out as follows:
1. Definition
Mass: It denotes the quantity of matter contained in a specific physical property or object
Weight: It denotes the intensity or amount of downward force (gravity) acting on an object

2. Concerned With

Mass: It is concerned with the measurement of inertia
Weight: It is concerned with the measurement of gravitational force

3. Variability

Mass: Mass of any physical property is always the same or constant
Weight: Weight of an object varies according to the location

4. Impact Of Gravity

Mass: Mass is not affected by gravity
Weight: Weight is highly affected by gravitational force

5. Zero Or Not

Mass: Mass never be zero
Weight: Weight can be zero if there is no gravity

Also Read: 

6. Unit

Mass: Kilogram(kg) 
Weight: Newtons(N)

7. Formulation/Calculation

Mass: It can be calculated by using the following formula
Mass(m) = Density(D) x Volume(V)
Weight: It can be calculated by using the following formula
Weight = Mass(m) x Gravity(g)

Mass Vs Weight (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Quantity of matter contained in a physical property
Downward force acting on a physical property
Concerned With


Impact Of Gravity

Being Zero

May be
Unit Of Measurement

Kilogram (Kg)
Newton (N)

Density x Volume
Mass x Gravity

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between mass and weight and to make comparison between them.