Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Difference Between Weather And Climate

Difference Between Weather And Climate
The main dissimilarities or differences between  weather and climate can be pointed out as follows:
1. Definition
Weather: It refers to the behavior or condition of atmosphere in a certain location for a limited period.
Climate: It refers to the averages of weather in a certain location for a long period of time.

2. Components

Weather: It includes temperature, sunshine, clouds, wind, rain, air pressure humidity etc. 
Climate: It includes the average of temperature, snow, wind, air pressure etc.

3. Period

Weather: It indicates short term atmospheric behavior
Climate: It indicates long term atmospheric behavior

4. Studied Under

Weather: It is studied under meteorology (a branch of science)
Climate: It is studied under climatology

5. Forecasting

Weather: Weather forecasting is possible
Climate: Climate forecasting is more difficult

6. Variation

Weather: Weather varies more frequently (even minute to minute)
Climate: Climate varies more slowly than weather

Weather Vs Climate (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Condition of atmosphere of specific location
Average weather condition in certain location
Type Of Atmospheric Behavior
Short term
Long term

Clouds, wind, rain, sunshine etc.
Snow, air pressure, average temperature etc.
Studied Under


Easier than climate


I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between weather and climate and to make comparison between them.