Sunday, January 6, 2019

Difference Between Book Value And Market Value

Difference Between Book Value And Market Value
The main dissimilarities or difference between book value and market value can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Book Value: Value of asset recorded in the firm's financial statements
Market Value: Value of asset according to the market price

2. Determination

Book Value: It is determined by subtracting depreciation from original cost of the asset
Market Value: It is determined by current market price

3. Nature

Book Value: It is theoretical assumption
Market Value: It is actual value obtained in the market

4. Influenced By

Book Value: It is influenced by depreciation or amortization cost
Market Value: It is influenced by market fluctuation

5. Denotes

Book Value: It denotes the equity of business firm
Market Value: It denotes market price

6. Frequency

Book Value: It fluctuates periodically
Market Value: It fluctuates frequently

7. Availability

Book Value: It is available or can be obtained at any time
Market Value: It is not available at any time

Book Value Vs Market Value (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Book Value
Market Value

Asset's value as per the financial statement
Asset's value as per the market price 

Subtracting depreciation from original cost
Current price in the market

Influenced By

Depreciation and amortization
Market fluctuation

Market price
Fluctuation Frequency


Any time
Not available any time

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between book value and market value and to make comparison between them.