Friday, January 11, 2019

Difference Between Copyright And Patent

Difference Between Copyright And Patent
The main dissimilarities or difference between copyright and patent can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Copyright: Protection of ownership of intellectual properties such as books, novels, audio, visuals, paintings etc.
Patent: Property right granted to the owners or inventors which restricts others to reproduce, use or sell. for a certain period of time.

2. Types Of Properties

Copyright: It protects intellectual properties
Patent: It protects inventions

3. Registration

Copyright: No registration required
Patent: Registration is required for patent right

Also Read: 

4. Protection

Copyright: It protects illegal use of intellectual properties
Patent: It restricts to make, use or trade the products

5. Protection Period

Copyright: Long period (generally, 70 years)
Patent: Short period (generally, 20 years)

6. Examples

Copyright: Books, musics, articles, novels, audio, video, drama, paintings etc. are protected by the copyright law
Patent: New technology, machines, equipment, new product etc

Copyright Vs Patent (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Protection of ownership of intellectual properties
Property right granted to the owners
Types Of Properties

Intellectual properties

Not required

Illegal use of properties
To make use or trade products
Period Of Protection


Books, music, novels, audio, video etc.
New technology, new products machines etc.

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between copyright and patent and to make comparison between them.