Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Difference Between Insurance And Assurance

Difference Between Insurance And Assurance
The main dissimilarities or difference between insurance and assurance can be described as follows:
1. Introduction
Insurance: A risk management technique that provides financial safety against uncertain future losses.
Assurance: Financial coverage provided for an event that certainly happens

2. Underlying Principle

Insurance: It is based on the principle of indemnity
Assurance: It is based on the principle of certainty

3. Types Of Risk

Insurance: Uncertain
Assurance: Certain

4. Compensation Payment

Insurance: Payment is made in case of loss only
Assurance: Payment is made in any situation (either loss occurred or after the contract is matured)

5. Contract Duration

Insurance: For one year only
Assurance: For long term ( minimum 5 years to 35 years)

6. Surrender Value

Insurance: There will be no surrender value
Assurance: Surrender value can be received after some years

7. Investment

Insurance: It is not an investment
Assurance: It is a form of investment

8. Insurable Interest

Insurance: Can be measured easily
Assurance: Cannot be measured

Also Read: 

9. Subject Matter

Insurance: Property
Assurance: Human Life

10. Examples

Insurance: Fire insurance, auto insurance, marine insurance and other types of general insurances. 
Assurance: Different types of life insurance policies

Insurance Vs Assurance (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Risk management technique of providing financial safety against losses
Financial coverage for certain events
Underlying Principle

Principle of indemnity
Principle of certainty

Compensation Payment

In case of loss
In case of loss or after maturity

1 year
 More than 1 year
Surrender Value


Yes, it is an investment
Insurable Interest

Not measurable
Subject Matter

Human Life

Fire insurance, auto insurance etc
Life insurance

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between insurance and assurance and to make comparison between them.