Thursday, January 31, 2019

Difference Between Quantitative And Qualitative Research

Difference Between Quantitative Research And Qualitative Research
The main dissimilarities or difference between quantitative and qualitative research methods can be pointed out as follows:
1. Introduction
Quantitative Research: Systematic investigation of data by using numerical analysis such as statistical and mathematical calculations
Qualitative Research: Investigation of information or phenomena by using non-numerical  techniques such as opinions, thoughts etc.

2. Nature

Quantitative Research: It is objective in nature
Qualitative Research: It is subjective and judgmental in nature

3. Based

Quantitative Research: It is a number based research method because it is performed on the basis of numerical values
Qualitative Research: It is a text based research method because it is performed on the basis of non-numerical or verbal or written data.

4. Statistical Analysis

Quantitative Research: Statistical analysis is required for this research method
Qualitative Research: This method ignores statistical analysis

5. Results

Quantitative Research: It gives specific results
Qualitative Research: It gives descriptive results

6. Time Required

Quantitative Research: It is time consuming method because it requires various statistical and mathematical calculations.
Qualitative Research: It takes less time than quantitative research

7. Useful For

Quantitative Research: It is used to draw a final conclusion
Qualitative Research: It is useful for primary investigation

8. Type Of Research

Quantitative Research: It is conclusive type of research method
Qualitative Research: It is exploratory type of research method

9. Measurement

Quantitative Research: Information can be measured through mathematical calculation
Qualitative Research: It provides verbal information, so it cannot be measured.

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10. Data Gathering

Quantitative Research: Data is gathered or collected with the help of surveys, experiments, questionnaire etc.
Qualitative Research: Data is collected with the help of interview, observation, mystery shopping etc.

11. Sample Type

Quantitative Research: Random sample is used
Qualitative Research: Non-random sample is used.