Sunday, January 27, 2019

Difference Between Stress And Anxiety

Difference Between Stress And Anxiety
The main dissimilarities or difference between stress and anxiety can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Stress: Mental or emotional tension because of too much physical or psychological pressure.
Anxiety: Feeling worries, unease or fear because of psychological disorder

2. What Is It?

Stress: It is a reaction to physical or emotional pressure
Anxiety: It is a response to excess stress

3. Dependency

Stress: It does not depends on anxiety as it is not a result of anxiety
Anxiety: It depends on stress because stress is the main cause of anxiety

4. Outcome Of

Stress: It is an outcome of frustrating situation
Anxiety: It is an outcome of nervousness

Also Read: 

5. Warning Signs 

Stress: Chest pain, hypertension, decease in concentration, skin rashes, severe headache etc.
Anxiety: Tiredness, irritation, sleeping disturbance, digestion problem etc.

6. Treatment/Coping With

Stress: Positive thinking, regular exercise, healthy eating, get moving etc.
Anxiety: Change in lifestyle, medication, stress management etc.

Stress Vs Anxiety (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Emotional or mental tension due to excess physical or psychological pressure
Worries, unease and fear because of psychological disorder
It Is 

Reaction to pressure
Response to stress

Not dependent on anxiety
Dependent on stress
Outcome Of

Frustrating situation
Warning Signs

Chest pain, hypertension, skin rashes etc
Irritation, tiredness, digestion problem etc.

Exercise, positive thinking, healthy eating etc.
Change in lifestyle, medication, stress management etc.

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between stress and anxiety and to make comparison between them.