Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Difference Between Consumer Goods And Capital Goods

Difference Between Consumer And Capital Goods
The main dissimilarities or difference between consumer goods and capital goods can be pointed out as follows:
1. Introduction
Consumer Goods: Products that are bought by the final consumers to fulfill their daily needs and wants.
Capital Goods: Products that are purchased by producers or manufacturers to produce consumer goods.

2. Also Called

Consumer Goods: They are also called final goods
Capital Goods: They are also called intermediate goods

3. Objectives Of Buying

Consumer Goods: They are bought for personal or family use
Capital Goods: They are bought for further production purpose

4. Demand

Consumer Goods: Demand of these products is higher than the demand of capital goods
Capital Goods: Demand of capital goods is lower than the demand of consumer goods

5. Sort Of Business

Consumer Goods: B2C (Business to customer)
Capital Goods: B2B (Business to business)

Also Read: 

6. Price

Consumer Goods: Price of goods is lower than the price of capital goods
Capital Goods: Price is higher than the price of consumer goods

7. Examples

Consumer Goods: TV, bread, vegetables, toy, mobile etc. are some examples of consumer goods
Capital Goods: Building, machinery, equipment etc. are some examples of capital goods

Consumer Goods Vs Capital Goods (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Consumer Goods
Capital Goods

Products that fulfill the daily needs of customers
Products that are used to produce consumer goods
Also Called

Final goods
Intermediate goods
Buying Purpose

Personal use
Further production

Sort Of Business



Bread, medicine, TV, vegetables etc.
Machinery, equipment, building etc.

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between consumer goods and capital goods and to make comparison between them.