Friday, February 1, 2019

Difference Between Invention And Discovery

Difference Between Invention And Discovery
The main dissimilarities or difference between invention and discovery can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Invention: The act of creating something unique and new item, product, technology etc for the first time.
Discovery: To explore or recognize something that is already preexists but not found before.

2. Refers To

Invention: To introduce something new and original product or concept
Discovery: To detect or find already existed item for the first time

3. Related To

Invention: It is related to the generation of new idea or experiments
Discovery: It is related to the exploration of something

4. Existence

Invention: It is not existed before
Discovery: It is preexisted 


5. Patent Right

Invention: It can be protected by patent right
Discovery: Patent right is not applicable 

6. Originality

Invention: Yes
Discovery: No

Also Read: 

7. Process

Invention: It is a long process to invent something
Discovery: It is not a process

8. Examples

Invention: Invention of radio, TV, electricity etc.
Discovery: Discovery of gravity, planets etc.

Invention Vs Discovery (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Creation of new technology, idea or concept
Exploration of something that was not found before
Refers To

Introduce something new
To detect already existed thing for the first time
Related To

Existed Before

Patent Right

Not applicable


Invention of radio, computer, electricity etc.
Discovery of planet, gravity etc.

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between invention and discovery and to make comparison between them.