Thursday, April 18, 2019

Difference Between Audit And Review

Difference Between Audit And Review
The major dissimilarities or difference between audit and review can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Audit: Complete examination of company's books of accounts to prove the accuracy and validity of financial transactions.
Review: It is an analytical process of evaluating financial data to determine if any change is necessary or not.

2. Mandatory Or Not

Audit: Yes, it is mandatory for all business firms.
Review: No, it is not mandatory

3. Level Of Assurance

Audit: High
Review: Low

4. Knowledge Of Internal Control

Audit: Auditor should have the knowledge of internal control
Review: Knowledge of internal control is not necessary


5. Time And Effort

Audit: It requires more time and effort to perform the audit job.
Review: Review of accounts consumes less time and effort than audit

6. Cost

Audit: It requires high cost than review
Review: Less cost is required

Also Read: 

7. Concern With Financial Statement

Audit: Yes, it is concerned
Review: Not concerned

8. Systematic

Audit: It is more systematic than review
Review: It is less systematic than audit

Audit Vs Review (Comparison Table)



 Checking of books of accounts in order to prove accuracy and validity of financial transactions
 Analysis and evaluation of financial data to check if change is necessary or not

 Assurance Level

Internal Control Knowledge

 Not Required


With Financial Statement

 Not Concerned


I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between audit and review and to make comparison between them.