Friday, April 19, 2019

Difference Between Production And Productivity

Difference Between Production And Productivity

The major dissimilarities or difference between production and productivity can be described as follows:

1. introduction

Production: It is an activity in which raw materials are converted into finished goods.
Productivity: It is a rate of input and output

2. Refers To

Production: It refers to manufacturing process
Productivity: It refers to the efficiency of production function.

3.What It Does ?

Production: It measures the value of output ( units or cost)
Productivity: It measures the ratio of input and output.

4. It Is

Production: It is a process of turning raw materials into consumable products.
Productivity: It is a measurement of efficiency of factors of production in the production process.

     Also Read: 

5. Measurement

Production: It is measured in terms of production units or costs.
Productivity: It is measured in terms of ratio or percentage.

Production Vs Productivity (Comparison Chart)



 Converting raw materials into finished goods
 Rate of production (ratio of input and output)
 Refers To

 Manufacturing process
 Efficiency of manufacturing process

 Measurement of value of output
 Measurement of ratio of input and output
 What Is It ?

 Turning raw materials into consumer products
Measuring the efficiency of production function

 Production costs/Units
 Ratio or percentage

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between production and productivity and to make comparison between them.