Friday, April 19, 2019

Difference Between Productivity And Efficiency

Difference Between Productivity And Efficiency
The major dissimilarities or difference between productivity and efficiency can be described as follows:
1. Introduction 
Productivity: It is a rate of production or output for a specific period of time.
Efficiency: It is a quality and ability to maximize output with available resources

2. What Is It ?

Productivity: It is a ratio of output and input
Efficiency: It is a ratio of actual and standard output

3. Emphasize On

Productivity: It gives emphasize on quantity or volume of production
Efficiency: It gives focus on quality of product and proper utilization of resources


Also Read: 

4. Measure Of

Productivity: It is a measure of production quantity or outputs
Efficiency: It is a measure of resources or inputs

5. Related To

Productivity: It is related to production parameters
Efficiency: It is related to production capacity.

Productivity Vs Efficiency (Comparison Chart)



 Rate of production for a specific period
 Ability to increase production or output
 It Is

 Input and output ratio
 Standard and actual output ratio
 Emphasize On

 Volume of output
 Resource utilization
 Measure Of

 Related To

 Production parameters
 Production capacity

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between productivity and efficiency and to make comparison between them.