Monday, April 6, 2020

Difference Between Bacteria And Virus

Bacteria are one-celled living organism that can survive and grow in almost every situation. In contrast, viruses are extremely small infectious particles that survive and grow inside the host cell. Bacteria are living organisms, but viruses are considered as non-living because they cannot replicate and grow without other living cell.

Difference Between Bacteria And Virus

The main difference between bacteria and virus can be highlighted as follows:

1. Introduction

Bacteria: Bacteria are single-celled tiny organisms that can live in different kinds of environment such as water, air, soil etc.
Virus: Viruses are non-cellular infectious particles that require living cell to survive and grow.

2. Living/Non-living

Bacteria: These are living microorganisms because they can survive, grow and reproduce independently. 
Virus: Viruses are considered as non-living because they lack metabolism and require host (living cell) to grow and reproduce.

3. Size

Bacteria: Bacteria are larger in size than virus.
Virus: Viruses are smaller than bacteria

4. Observed Through

Bacteria: Bacteria can be seen with the help of light microscope
Virus: It requires electron microscope to observe virus

5. Cell

Bacteria: It is a single-celled organism
Virus: It is a non-cellular particle

6. Harmful Or Not

Bacteria: About 80% of bacteria are harmless. Most of bacteria are very useful for us.
Virus: Almost all kinds of virus are harmful and cause disease

7. Disease Caused

Bacteria: Pneumonia, gastric, syphilis, tuberculosis etc. are some bacterial diseases.
Virus: Common cold, hepatitis, polio, Aids etc. are some viral diseases.

8. Treatment/Medicine

Bacteria: Antibiotics are used for the treatment of bacterial diseases/infections.
Virus: Antiviral and vaccines are used to control viral infection or disease

Bacteria Vs Virus (Comparison Chart)



Unicellular organism that can survive in any environment
Non-cellular particles that require other living cell to survive

Living organism
Non-living particle

Larger than virus
Smaller than bacteria
Seen Through

Light Microscope
Advanced microscope

Single (one cell)
No cell

Less harmful
More harmful

Gastric, pneumonia, syphilis, TB etc.
Polio, hepatitis, Aids, common cold etc.

Antiviral and vaccine

Distinction Between Bacteria And Virus In Short

- Bacteria are microscopic single-celled organisms that can survive in different environments. On the other hand, viruses are tinier submicroscopic infectious agents that require the host cell to grow.
- Bacteria are larger. But the size of virus is smaller than bacteria.
- Most of the bacteria are harmless. But almost all of the viruses are infectious.
- Viral infections can be treated by using antibiotics. Vaccines are used to prevent viral decease.