Sunday, October 28, 2018

Difference Between Cost Control And Cost Reduction

Difference Between Cost Control And Cost Reduction
The main dissimilarities or difference between cost control and cost reduction can be pointed out as follows:
1. Meaning
Cost Control: An effort of maintaining costs as per the planned or budgeted level.
Cost Reduction: An effort to economize costs without reducing the utility and output.

2. Focus

Cost Control: It focuses on minimizing wastage, misappropriation and embezzlement.
Cost Reduction: It focuses on simplifying production process, introducing new technology, proper handling of material etc. 

3. Saving

Cost Control: It saves total cost
Cost Reduction: It saver per unit cost

4. Application

Cost Control: It is a continuous process and applied regularly
Cost Reduction: It is applied when there is an opportunity for cost reduction

5. Nature

Cost Control: Preventive in nature
Cost Reduction: Corrective in nature

6. Techniques Used

Cost Control: Responsibility accounting, standard costing, budgetary control etc are practiced
Cost Reduction: ABC Analysis, value engineering, standardization etc

7. Scope

Cost Control: Limited scope
Cost Reduction: Wider scope

Cost Control Vs Cost Reduction (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Cost Control
Cost Reduction

Practice of maintaining operational costs as per the budget
Process of minimizing operational costs without reducing the output
Focus On

Minimization of wastage, embezzlement and misappropriation
Proper material handling, process simplification etc.

Total cost
Per unit cost

When there is an opportunity


Responsibility accounting, standard costing etc.
Standardization, value engineering etc.


I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between cost control and cost reduction and to make comparison between them.