Monday, October 29, 2018

Difference Between Public Company And Private Company

Difference Between Public And Private Company
The main dissimilarities or difference between public company and private company can be pointed out as follows:
1. Owned By
Public Company: It is publicly owned and operated
Private Company: It is privately owned and operated

2. Number Of Members

Public Company: Minimum 7 and maximum unlimited
Private Company: Minimum 1 and maximum 50

3. Issue Of Prospectus

Public Company: Compulsory
Private Company: Not required

4. Share Transfer

Public Company: Shares can be transferred easily without any restriction
Private Company: Consent is required 

5. Suffix Used

Public Company: It uses "Limited" after the name
Private Company: It uses "Private Limited" after the name

6. Directors

Public Company: At least 3 directors required to run the public company
Private Company: At least 2 directors required

7. Statutory Meeting

Public Company: It is compulsory and must be held regularly
Private Company: Not compulsory

8. Regulation

Public Company: More regulation required
Private Company: Less regulation required

Also Read: 


Public Company: Bigger in size than private company
Private Company: Smaller than public company

10. Source of Capital

Public Company: Fund is collected by selling shares and debentures
Private Company: Fund is collected from investors

Public Company Vs Private Company (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Public Company
Private Company

Corporation which owned and operated publicly
Business company which is established and operated privately
Members Required

Minimum 7
Issue Of Prospectus

Not required
Share Transfer

Easy to transfer
Consent of partners is required

'Private Limited'
Number Of Directors

Minimum 3
Minimum 2
Statutory Meeting

Not compulsory
Regulation Required


Source Of Capital

Issue of shares and debenture
Collected from partners or investors

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between public company and private company and to make comparison between them.