Saturday, November 3, 2018

Difference Between Sole Proprietorship And Partnership

Difference Between Sole Proprietorship And Partnership
The main dissimilarities or difference between sole trading concern or sole proprietorship and partnership firm can be pointed out as follows:
1. Meaning
Sole Proprietorship: Form of business organization which is owned, managed, operated and controlled by an individual
Partnership: A form of business organization which is owned and operated by two or more individuals.

2. Registered Under

Sole Proprietorship: Private Firm Act
Partnership: Partnership Act

3. Members

Sole Proprietorship: Only one person is required to form sole proprietorship
Partnership: At least two or more than two people are required to establish partnership firm.

4. Name Of The Member

Sole Proprietorship: Sole Trader
Partnership: Partners

5. Capital 

Sole Proprietorship: Less capital requires than partnership firm
Partnership: More capital requires than sole proprietorship

6. Decision Making

Sole Proprietorship: Sole trader can take decisions more quickly because he does not need to consult with others.
Partnership: Decision making process is slower than sole proprietorship because consent of all partners is required to take decision.

7. Secrecy

Sole Proprietorship: High level of secrecy can be maintained by the owner
Partnership: It is difficult to maintain secrecy in partnership firms.

8. Risk Sharing

Sole Proprietorship: Total risk is bore by the owner
Partnership: Risk is shared among the partners

9. Chance Of Conflict

Sole Proprietorship: No chance of conflict
Partnership: High chance of conflict and misunderstanding among the partners.

10. Raising Capital

Sole Proprietorship: It is difficult to acquire capital by an individual
Partnership: It is easy to raise capital

Also Read: 

11. Profit And Loss

Sole Proprietorship: Sole trader enjoys all the profits and bears all losses also.
Partnership: Profit and losses are divided and shared among the partners

12. Agreement Required

Sole Proprietorship: No agreement required to run sole proprietorship business
Partnership: Written or oral agreement is required to establish and operate partnership business.

Sole Proprietorship Vs Partnership (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Sole Proprietorship
Partnership Firm

Business firm established, managed and controlled by a single person
Business firm established, managed and operated by more than two persons.

Under Private Firm Act
Under Partnership Act

One person
At least two individuals
Member's Name

Sole Trader
Capital Requirement

Prompt Decision


Risk Sharing

Chance Of Conflict

High chance
Raising Capital

Profit Sharing


Not Required

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between sole proprietorship and partnership business and to make comparison between them.