Monday, October 29, 2018

Difference Between Equity And Preference Shares

Difference Between Equity And Preference Share
The main dissimilarities or difference between equity shares and preference shares can be pointed out as follows:
1. Meaning
Equity Shares: Types of shares that do not enjoy preferential rights on dividend and capital refund.
Preference Shares: Types of shares that carry preferential rights on dividend and capital refund.

2. Dividend Payment

Equity Shares: Dividend is paid after paying liabilities and preference dividend
Preference Shares: Dividend is paid before equity shareholders.

3. Dividend Rate

Equity Shares: It depends upon the profit available
Preference Shares: Fixed dividend rate for all years

4. Redemption

Equity Shares: Not redeemable 
Preference Share: Yes it is redeemable 

5. Voting Right

Equity Shares: Shareholders enjoy voting right
Preference Share: No voting right for preference shareholders

6. Convertibility

Equity Shares: No
Preference Shares: Yes

7. Return Of Capital

Equity Shares: After the payment of all capitals and preference shares
Preference Share: Before equity shares

8 Management Participation

Equity Shares: Yes
Preference Shares: No

Also Read:

9. Arrears Of Dividend

Equity Shares: No provision
Preference Shares: Yes

10. Financing Period

Equity Shares: Long term financing 
Preference Shares: Medium term financing

Equity Shares Vs Preference Shares (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Equity Share
Preference Share

Shares that do not carry preferential right on dividend and capital refund
Shares that enjoy preferential right on dividend and capital refund
Dividend Payment

After preference share
Before equity share
Rate Of Dividend

According to the profit
Fixed rate
Redeemable ?

Voting Right


Return Of Capital

After the payment of preference shares
Before the payment of equity shares
Management Participation
Arrears Of Dividend

Financing Period


I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between equity shares and preference shares and to make comparison between them.