Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Difference Between Income Statement And Funds Flow Statement

Difference Between Income Statement And Funds Flow Statement
The main dissimilarities or difference between income statement and funds flow statement can be pointed out as follows:
1. Meaning
Income Statement: It is a summary of total revenue and expenses for a particular accounting period.
Funds Flow Statement: It is a statement showing the source (inflow) and application (outflow) of funds for a particular period.

2. Purpose/Objective

Income Statement: To know the financial results (profit or loss) the business
Funds Flow Statement: To disclose the changes in assets, liabilities and capital and analyze the operational position of the firm.

3. Preparation

Income Statement: Balance or data of nominal accounts are used to prepare income statement.
Funds Flow Statement: Balance sheet of two consecutive periods are used to prepare funds flow statement.

4. Prescribed Format

Income Statement: Prescribed format should be used while preparing income statement
Funds Flow Statement: No need of prescribed format to prepare funds flow statement

5. Users/Audience

Income Statement: It is used by both internal and external users of business firm
Funds Flow Statement: It is used by top level management only

6. Publication

Income Statement: It should be published
Funds Flow Statement: No need to publish

Also Read: 

7. Measurement

Income Statement: It measures the profit and loss of the business
Funds Flow Statement: It measures the changes of working capital for the specific period

8. Helpful

Income Statement: It is helpful in preparing funds flow statement
Funds Flow Statement: Not helpful in preparation of income statement.

Income Statement Vs Funds Flow Statement (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Income Statement
Funds Flow Statement

Summary of revenue and expenses of the firm
Statement that shows the inflow and outflow of funds

To determine profit or loss
To analyze the operational position
Data Used From

Nominal accounts or balance sheet
Balance sheets of two periods
Prescribed Format


Internal and external users
Top management
Publication Required ?


Profit or loss
Change in working capital

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between income statement and funds flow statement and to make comparison between them.