Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Difference Between Joint Venture And Consignment

Difference Between Joint Venture And Consignment

The main dissimilarities or difference between joint venture and consignment can be pointed out as follows:

1. Meaning

Joint Venture: A business activity carried on by two or more parties to accomplish a certain project.
Consignment: A business activity where consignee (person who receives and sells goods) agrees to pay a consignor ( person who sends goods to the consignee) after the sale of goods.

2. Parties Name

Joint Venture: Known as Co-ventures
Consignment: Known as Consignor And Consignee

3. Relationship Between Parties

Joint Venture: Like partners
Consignment: Principal and agent relation

4. Governing Act

Joint Venture: No special governing act for joint venture business
Consignment: Contract act governs consignment.

5. Profit Sharing

Joint Venture: Yes. Profit is shared among the co-ventures 
Consignment: No sharing of profit and loss

6. Risk Bearing

Joint Venture: All member bear risk
Consignment: Risk is borne by consignor only

7. Ownership

Joint Venture: Co-ventures are the owners
Consignment: Consignor is the owner of the goods

Also Read: 

8. Number Of Members

Joint Venture: Two or more than two members
Consignment: Only two persons or parties

9. Termination

Joint Venture: It is terminated after the completion of specified task
Consignment: It can be terminated at any time with the mutual consent of consignor and consignee.

Joint Venture Vs Consignment(Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Joint Venture

Business or project carried on by two or more parties
Business arrangement where consignee pays a consignor after the sales
Parties Known As

Consignor and consignee
Relationship Between Parties

Principal and agent
Governing Act

No special act
Contract Act
Profit Sharing

Risk Borne By

All parties

Number Of Members

Two or more
Only two

After the completion of task
At any time with the mutual consent

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between joint venture and consignment and to make comparison between them.