Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Difference Between Reserve And Provision

Difference Between Reserve And Provision

The main dissimilarities or difference between reserve and provision can be pointed out as follows:

1. Meaning

Reserve: It is a part of the profit retained to meet future contingencies. 
Provision: It is a sum of amount charged against profit to meet future loss and liability.

2. Objective

Reserve: To meet the future need of fund and to improve the financial position of the business firm.
Provision: To cover the uncertain loss and liabilities.

3. Accounting Treatment

Reserve: It is recorded as the debit item of profit and loss appropriation account and liabilities item of balance sheet.
Provision: It is recorded as the debit item of profit and loss account and assets item of balance sheet.

4. Profit Requirement

Reserve: It requires adequate profit to create reserve.
Provision: It does not require profit and can be created in case of loss also.

5. Dividend Payment

Reserve: Reserve can be distributed as dividend.
Provision: It cannot be used for the purpose of distribution of dividend.

6. Effect

Reserve: It affects the financial position of the business firm.
Provision: It affects the profit and loss of the business firm.

Also Read:

7. Investment

Reserve: Reserve can be used for investment purpose.
Provision: Provision cannot be used as investment.

Reserve Vs Provision (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Portion of profit retained for future use
Some amount of money charged against profit to fulfill future liabilities

To meet future financial needs
To cover future loss and liabilities 
Accounting Treatment

Posted in the debit side of profit and loss appropriation account
Posted in the debit side of profit and loss account
Profit Requirement

Used As Dividend

Can be used as dividend

Financial position
Profit and loss
Used As Investment


I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between reserve and provision and to make comparison between them.