Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Difference Between Trial Balance And Balance Sheet

Difference Between Trial Balance And Balance Sheet
The main dissimilarities or difference between trial balance and balance sheet can be pointed out as follows:
1. Meaning
Trial Balance: It is a statement of debit and credit balances of books of account or ledgers.
Balance Sheet: It is a statement of all assets, liabilities, and equity at a particular period.

2. Objectives

Trial Balance: To ensure the arithmetical accuracy of business transactions posted on ledger accounts.
Balance Sheet: To check assets and liabilities position and financial strength of the business.

3. Preparation

Trial Balance: It is prepared after posting financial transactions in ledger accounts.
Balance Sheet: It is prepared after preparing trading account and profit and loss account for the specific period.

4. Standards

Trial Balance: It is prepared without any specific format or standards.
Balance Sheet: It follows specific standard and format.

5. Usage

Trial Balance: It is for internal use only/
Balance Sheet: It is prepared for both internal and external purpose.

6. Periodicity 

Trial Balance: Can be prepared at anytime according to the need of the business firm(monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually).
Balance Sheet: It is prepared at the end of the accounting period only.

7. Component Of Financial Statement

Trial Balance: It is not a component of financial statement.
Balance Sheet: It is the most important component or part of the financial statement.

8. Account Division

Trial Balance: Debit balance and credit balance.
Balance Sheet: Assets and liabilities

Also Read: 

9. Stock Consideration

Trial Balance: It considers opening stock.
Balance Sheet: It considers closing stick.

10 Concept Followed

Trial Balance: It follows the concept of dual accounting i.e debit = credit.
Balance Sheet: It follows the concept of "Total Assets = Total liabilities + Equity".

Trial Balance Vs Balance Sheet (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Trial Balance
Balance Sheet

Statement that records all debit and credit balances of ledger
Statement that records assets, liabilities and capital of the firm

To ensure the accuracy of books of accounts
To reveal the financial position of the firm

After preparing ledger accounts
After preparing trading and profit and loss A/C
Fixed Standards And Format

Internal use
Both internal and external use
Preparation Time

Any time
At the end of the accounting period
Component Of Financial Statement
Account Division

Debit and credit
Assets and liabilities
Stock Consideration

Opening stock
Closing stock

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between trial balance and balance sheet and to make comparison between them.