Thursday, November 1, 2018

Difference Between Accounting And Auditing

Difference Between Accounting And Auditing
The main dissimilarities or difference between accounting and auditing can be pointed out as follows:
1. Meaning
Accounting: A process of identifying , classifying and recording the financial transactions in the books of accounts and preparing financial statement to show the profitability of the firm.
Auditing: Act of reviewing and inspecting the books of accounts to prove the accuracy of accounting process.

2. Beginning

Accounting: Accounting starts immediately after the monetary transactions take place
Auditing: It starts after the completion of accounting job

3. Performed By

Accounting: Accounting work is performed by the accounting staffs of the company
Auditing: It is performed by and independent auditor not having financial ties with the company.

4. Objective/Purpose

Accounting: To ascertain the net results (profit or loss) and to disclose the financial health of the company.
Auditing: To examine the financial statements to ensure the accuracy, reliability and validity of accounting task.

5. Process

Accounting: It is a daily process of recording business transactions.
Auditing: It is a periodical (quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly) of evaluating the books of accounts.

6. Regulators

Accounting: By Accounting Standards
Auditing: By Auditing Standards

Also Read: 

7. Knowledge/Skill

Accounting: Accounting knowledge is required to maintain the books of accounts
Auditing: Both accounting and auditing knowledge is required to evaluate the books of accounts.

8. Categories

Accounting: Cost accounting, financial accounting, and management accounting
Auditing: Internal audit and external audit

Accounting Vs Auditing (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Summarizing, classifying and recording business transactions in systematic manner
In depth review of books of accounts to ensure the accuracy of accounting system

After the financial transaction
After the completion of accounting process
Performed By

Accounting Staff

To know financial strength or weakness
To prove the accuracy and validity of accounting job

Daily Process
Periodical Activity

Accounting Standards
Auditing Standards
Knowledge Required

Accounting knowledge
Both accounting and auditing knowledge 

Cost accounting, financial accounting and management accounting
Internal and external audit

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between accounting and auditing and to make comparison between them.