Sunday, November 18, 2018

Difference Between Amortization And Depreciation

Difference Between Amortization And Depreciation
The main dissimilarities or difference between amortization and depreciation can be pointed out as follows:
1. Definition
Amortization: Process of charging off the cost of intangible assets such as patent, goodwill, trademark etc over their useful life
Depreciation: Process of charging of the cost of fixed and tangible assets such as building, machinery, plant etc. over the useful life of those assets.

2. Used For

Amortization: It is used for intangible assets such as patent, trademark, copyright etc.
Depreciation: It is used for tangible or physical assets such as building, machinery, plant etc.

3. Method Applied

Amortization: It applies only straight line method
Depreciation: Various method can be used for providing depreciation

4. Salvage Value

Amortization: Intangible assets have no salvage value after the useful life
Depreciation: Tangible assets have salvage value after their useful life

Also Read: 

5. Purpose

Amortization: It helps to prorate the value of intangible assets
Depreciation: It helps to recover the cost of tangible assets

Amortization Vs Depreciation (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Charging off the cost of intangible assets
Charging off the cost of tangible assets
Charging Method

Straight line method
Various methods
Applicable For

Assets of intangible nature
Physical assets
Salvage Value


Prorate the value of assets
Recover the value of assets

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between amortization and depreciation and to make comparison between them.