Monday, November 5, 2018

Difference Between Brand Name And Trademark

Difference Between Brand Name And Trade Mark
The main dissimilarities or difference between brand name and trademark can be pointed out as follows:
1. Meaning
Brand Name: Specific name, symbol or sign given by the producers to identify their products
Trademark: Legally registered name, symbol, words or slogan given to the products for their identity.

2. Legal Identity

Brand Name: It has no legal identity because it is not registered
Trademark: It has legal identity because it is legally registered

3. Used By Others

Brand Name: It can be used by others because it lacks legal identity
Trademark: It cannot be used by others because it is legally protected

4. Purpose/Objective

Brand Name: To identify and popularize the products
Trademark: To provide legal protection

Also Read: 

5. Scope

Brand Name: All brand names may not be a trademark
Trademark: It is brand name also

Brand Name Vs Trademark (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Brand Name

Specific name or symbol given by the producers to identify the product
Legal name, symbol or sign given to the products for their identity
Legally Protected

Used By Others

Can be used

To popularize the product
To provide legal protection


I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between brand name and trade mark and to make comparison between them.