Monday, November 5, 2018

Difference Between Autocratic And Democratic Leadership

Difference Between Autocratic And Democratic Leadership
The main dissimilarities or differences between autocratic leadership style and democratic leadership style can be pointed out as follows:
1. Introduction
Autocratic Leadership: Strict type of leadership style where a leader enjoys full authority with centralized power.
Democratic Leadership: Liberal type of leadership style where a leader believes in power sharing and group decision making.

2. Decision Making

Autocratic Leadership: All decisions are taken by the leader without consulting others.
Democratic Leadership: Subordinates are also involved in decision making process.

3. Authority

Autocratic Leadership: It follows centralized authority
Democratic Leadership: It follows decentralized authority

4. Communication

Autocratic Leadership: It uses one way communication (top to bottom) system
Democratic Leadership: It uses two way communication (both top to bottom and bottom to top) system.

5. Control

Autocratic Leadership: Strict control system is applied
Democratic Leadership: Loose control system is applied

6, Autonomy

Autocratic Leadership: Less autonomy
Democratic Leadership: High autonomy

7. Motivation

Autocratic Leadership: It practice negative motivational approaches such as threat, punishment, orders etc.
Democratic Leadership: It practice positive motivational approaches such as promotion, rewards, compensation etc.

8. Decision Making Process

Autocratic Leadership: Quick decision making process
Democratic Leadership: Slow decision making process

9. Suitability

Autocratic Leadership: It is suitable if subordinates are not experienced, unskilled and unqualified. 
Democratic Leadership: It is suitable for qualified, skilled, specialized and educated subordinates.

   Also Read:

10. Behavior

Autocratic Leadership: It is task oriented or job centered leadership style
Democratic Leadership: It is relation oriented or employee centered leadership style.

Autocratic Vs Democratic Leadership (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Autocratic Leadership
Democratic Leadership

Leadership style with centralized power and authority
Leadership style with dispersed power and authority
Decision Making

By top manager
Group decision making


One way
Two way


Motivational Approach

Quick Decision

Suitable For

Unskilled and unqualified subordinates
Skilled and qualified subordinates

Task oriented
Relation oriented

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between autocratic leadership  and democratic leadership style and to make comparison between them.