Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Difference Between Capital Profit And Revenue Profit

Difference Between Capital Profit And Revenue Profit

The main dissimilarities or difference between capital profit and revenue profit can be pointed out as follows:

1. Meaning

Capital Profit: Profit generated by a company by selling of fixed assets(different types of physical properties) or capital assets such as share, preference shares etc.
Revenue Profit: Profit made by a company by selling goods and services to the customers

2. What Is It?

Capital Profit: Selling of fixed assets at higher price than the book value and capital assets at higher price than the face value
Revenue Profit: Selling of company's products or services at higher price than the cost of production

3. Frequency

Capital Profit: It is gained less frequently
Revenue Profit: It is frequently gained

    Also Read

4. Dividend Purpose

Capital Profit: It cannot be used for the purpose of dividend payment
Revenue profit: It can be distribute as dividend to the shareholders

5. Accounting Treatment

Capital Profit: It is recorded on the liabilities side of balance sheet
Revenue Profit: It is recorded on the debit side of trading account and profit and loss account

6. Use

Capital Profit: It is used to fulfill capital loss of the business
Revenue Profit: It is used in creating fund, reserves and distributing dividend to the shareholders

Capital Profit Vs Revenue Profit (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Capital Profit
Revenue Profit

Profit made by selling fixed assets
Profit made by selling products
It Is

Selling of fixed assets and capital assets at higher price
Selling of goods and services at higher price

More or regular
Used As Dividend ?

Recorded On

liabilities side of balance sheet
Debit side of trading account
Used To

Fulfill capital loss
Create reserve and distributing dividend

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between capital profit and revenue profit and make comparison between them.