Sunday, November 4, 2018

Difference Between Management And Administration

Difference Between Management And Administration
The main dissimilarities or differences between management and administration can be pointed out as follows:
1. Meaning
Management: An art of achieving predetermined goals by directing, coordinating and motivating others towards the work.
Administration: A function of formulating plans and policies and setting goals of the organization

2. Tasks

Management: Direction, coordination, communication, motivation, controlling etc.
Administration: Formulation of policies, planning, goals setting etc.

3. Type of Function

Management: Decisive, executing, or doing function
Administration: Executive or thinking function

4. Level

Management: It is lower or middle level authority in the organization
Administration: It is top level authority in the organization

5. Concern

Management: It concerns with implementation of plans and policies
Administration: It concerns with formulation of plans and policies

Also Read: 

6. Used By

Management: Business firms
Administration: Government offices, military organizations, schools, hospitals etc.

7. Represents

Management: Workers of the organization
Administration: Owners of the organization

8. Skills Required

Management: It requires technical skills to perform the job
Administration: It requires conceptual skills to formulate policies.

Management Vs Administration (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Art of organizing, coordinating, directing and motivating others to achieve specific goals
Formulation of plans and policies to set organizational goals

Organizing, coordinating, directing, motivating, controlling etc.
Policy formulation, goal setting, planning etc.
Type Of Function

Authority Level

Middle or lower level
Top level
Concerned With

Implementation of plans
Formulation of plans
Used By

Business companies
Government offices, schools, hospitals etc.

Required Skills

Technical skills
Conceptual skills

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between management and administration and to make comparison between them.