Sunday, November 4, 2018

Difference Between Strategic Planning And Operational Planning

Difference Between Strategic` And Operational Planning
The main dissimilarities or difference between strategic planning and operational planning can be pointed out as follows:
1. Introduction
Strategic Planning: It is a long term vision of the management which focuses on the organizational objectives and techniques to achieve those objectives
Operational Planning: It is a short term plan which focuses on day-to-day work to achieve organizational goals and objectives

2. Guide

Strategic Planning: It guides the top level management
Operational Planning: It guides the lower and middle level management

3. Time Horizon 

Strategic Planning: Long Term (For several years)
Operational Planning: Short Term (About one year)

4. Focus

Strategic Planning: Focuses on the mission or goals of the organization
Operational Planning: Day-to-day operation and effective utilization of resources

5. Uncertainty

Strategic Planning: More uncertain than operational planning because of long period.
Operational Planning: Less uncertain than strategic planning because of short period

6. Scope

Strategic Planning: Wider scope than operational planning
Operational Planning: Limited scope than strategic planning

Strategic Planning Vs Operational Planning (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Strategic Planning
Operational Planning

Long term vision that  focuses on the attainment of organizational goals
Short term vision that focuses on daily organizational activities

Top level management
Middle and lower level of management


Organizational objectives
Day-to-day activities



I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between strategic and operational planning and to make comparison between them.