Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Difference Between Demand And Supply

Difference Between Demand And Supply
The main dissimilarities or difference between demand and supply can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Demand: Quantity of product desired by buyers with willingness and ability to pay a certain price.
Supply: Quantity of certain product or service provided in the market (ready to exchange) by producers or suppliers.

2. Made By

Demand: It is made by buyers
Supply: It is made by producers or sellers

3. Relationship With Price

Demand: It has indirect relationship with price. It means if the price of product increases then demand decreases and if price decreases then demand increases.
Supply: It has direct relationship with price. it means if price increases then supply will increase and if price decreases, supply will also decrease.

Also Read: 

4. Inverse Relation

Demand: It increases if supply decreases
Supply: It increases if demand decreases

5. Demand And Supply Curve

Demand: Slopes downward
Supply: Slopes upward

Demand Vs Supply (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Quantity of certain product desired by buyers
Quantity of products provided in the market
Made By

Relationship With Price

Inverse Relation

Increases if supply decreases
Increases if demand decreases
Curve Slopes


I hole this post is helpful to understand the difference between demand and supply and to make comparison between them.