Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Difference Between Advertising And Sales Promotion

Difference Between Advertising And Sales Promotion
The main dissimilarities or difference between advertising and sales promotion can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Advertising: A communication tool used by producers or sellers to influence potential customers.
Sales Promotion: Marketing technique used by producers or sellers to increase sales volume

2. Purpose

Advertising: To promote company's products or services
Sales Promotion: To boost sales

3. Term

Advertising: It is a long-term strategy of marketing
Sales Promotion: It is a short-term strategy to increase sales

4. Cost

Advertising: It is costly method of product promotion
Sales Promotion: It is less costlier than advertising

5. Part/Element

Advertising: It is a part or portion of sales promotion
Sales Promotion: It is an element of marketing mix

6. Result Shown

Advertising: Results are shown after some time
Sales Promotion: Quick results

7. Suitability

Advertising: Because of large investment, it is suitable for large producers only.
Sales Promotion: Because of less cost and quick result, it is suitable of both small and large firms.

8. Type Of Communication Used

Advertising: It follows one way communication
Sales Promotion: It uses two way communication

Also Read: 

9. Strategy

Advertising: Promotional strategy
Sales Promotion: Marketing strategy

10. Examples

Advertising: Audio and visual advertisements, indoor and outdoor display etc.
Sales Promotion: Special offers, discount, sample, coupon, prizes etc.

Advertising Vs Sales Promotion (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Sales Promotion

A communication tool used to influence customers towards the firm's product
Marketing technique used to maximize sales volume

Promote products
Boost sales

Long term
Short term

Part Or Element

Part of sales promotion
Element of marketing mix
Results Shown

After sometime (slowly)
Suitable Fore

Large producers
Both large and small firms
Communication Used

One way
Two way
Type Of Strategy


Audio and visual advertisements, displays etc
Discount, sample, coupon, special offer etc.

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between advertising and sales promotion and to make comparison between them.