Monday, January 7, 2019

Difference Between Advertising And Public Relations

Difference Between Advertising And Public Relations
The main dissimilarities or difference between advertising and public relations (PR) can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Advertising: A communication tool used by manufacturers or sellers to promote their products or services by convincing the potential customers
Public Relations: A management tool to establish good relationship and positive image between the company and audience or stakeholders or customers

2. What Is It ?

Advertising: It is a promotion of company's product or service
Public Relation: It is image building tool

3. Nature

Advertising: Convincing in nature
Public Relations: Influencing in nature

4. Reliability And Credibility

Advertising: It is less reliable and credible than public relations
Public Relations: It is more credible and reliable form of promotional tool

5. Investment

Advertising: It requires large amount of money to advertise products
Public Relations: It provides free publicity

6. Control

Advertising: It is under full control of company or sponsor
Public Relations: It is not completely under control of company

7. Proactive Or Reactive

Advertising: It is a proactive method of promotion
Public Relations: It uses both proactive and reactive methods of publicity

8. Placement Guarantee

Advertising: Yes
Public Relations: No

Also Read: 

9. Form

Advertising: Advertisements are mostly in the form of audio and visual
Public Relations: Messages are mostly in the form of language

10. Helpful In

Advertising: It is helpful in building exposure
Public Relations: It is helpful in building trust

Advertising Vs Public Relations (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Public Relation

Communication tool used to convince and attract customers
Management tool used to maintain good relationship and image between company and customers 
It Is

Promotion strategy
Image building tool


Investment Required

Control Of Company

Full control
Less control

Both proactive and reactive
Placement Guarantee

Form Of Message

Audio and visual
Helpful In 

Building exposure
Building trust

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between advertising and public relations and to make comparison between them.