Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Difference Between Direct And Indirect Cost

Difference Between Direct Cost And Indirect Cost
The main dissimilarities or difference between direct and indirect cost can be highlighted as follows:
1. Meaning
Direct Cost: Types of expenses that are directly attributed or allocated to a particular product or object in a production process.
Indirect Cost: Expenses that are not directly attributed or allocated to a particular product or object in a production process.

2. Economically Feasible

Direct Cost: Yes, it is economically feasible to trace direct costs.
Indirect Cost: No, it is not economically feasible to trace indirect costs.

3. Termed As

Direct Cost: They can be termed as variable costs also
Indirect Cost: They can be termed as fixed costs also

4. Attributable

Direct Cost: Can be attributed easily
Indirect Cost: Cannot be attributed

5. Cost Per Unit

Direct Cost: Cost per unit can be determined easily
Indirect Cost: Cost per unit cannot be determined

6. Total Cost

Direct Cost: Sum total of direct costs is known as prime cost
Indirect Cost: Sum total of indirect costs is overheads

7. Variability

Direct Cost: It is variable in nature and varies as per the change in output of the product
Indirect Cost: It is less variable than direct cost

Also Read: 

8. Expended On

Direct Cost: It is expended on a particular product or object
Indirect Cost: It is expended on multiple objects or projects

9. Examples

Direct Cost: Material costs, labor costs, transportation etc are some examples of direct costs.
Indirect Cost: Indirect overheads, administrative expenses, rent, insurance etc. are some examples of indirect costs.

Direct Cost Vs Indirect Cost (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Direct Cost
Indirect Cost

Costs that are directly allocated to a particular product or project
Costs that are not directly attributed to a particular product or objects
Feasible To Trace ?

Known As

Variable cost
Fixed Cost

Cost Per Unit

Can be determined
Cannot be determined
Total Cost Is Called

Prime cost

Expended On

Particular product
Multiple products

Material cost, labor cost, transportation etc
Insurance, rent, indirect overheads etc.

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between direct cost and indirect cost and to make comparison between them.