Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Difference Between Formal And Informal Letter

Difference Between Formal And Informal Letter
The main dissimilarities or difference between formal letter and informal letter can be described as follows:
1. Introduction
Formal Letter: A letter (written message) written to offices or organizations in specific format and in formal language for official or business purpose.
Informal Letter: A letter written to friends, family members and relatives without following specific format and language

2. Language Used

Formal Letter: It uses ceremonious language
Informal Letter: It is written freely in informal language

3. Also Called

Formal Letter: It is also called business letter
Informal Letter: It is also called personal letter

4. Purpose

Formal Letter: Written for official or business purpose
Informal Letter: Written for personal or family purpose

5. Voice Used

Formal Letter: Generally , business or formal letter is written in passive voice.
Informal Letter: Personal or informal letter is written in active voice

6. Format Used

Formal Letter: It is written in specific format
Informal Letter: There is no specific format for informal letter

7. Slang, Colloquial and Abbreviation

Formal Letter: Slang, colloquial and abbreviation are strictly avoided while writing formal letter
Informal Letter: These types of language can be used for informal letter

8. Signature

Formal Letter: Signature is required at the end of formal letter
Informal Letter: Signature is not compulsory for informal letter

9. Heading

Formal Letter: It requires heading or title
Informal Letter: It does not require heading

10. Salutation Rules/Greetings

Formal Letter: It must follow salutation rules
Informal Letter: Salutation or greetings is not required

Formal Letter Vs Informal Letter (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Formal Letter
Informal Letter

A letter written in formal language and specific format for official purpose
A letter written without following specific format and language to interact with friends and family
Language Used

Known As 

Business letter
Personal letter

Official purpose
Family purpose
Voice Used

Specific Format

Slang And Colloquial


Not Compulsory

Not required
Salutations Rules

Must be followed
Not required

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between formal letter and informal letter and to make comparison between them.