Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Difference Between Vendor And Supplier

Difference Between Vendor And Supplier
The main dissimilarities or difference between vendor and supplier can be pointed out as follows:
1. Introduction
Vendor: A person or trader who purchases goods from supplier or wholesaler and sells to the final customers
Supplier: A trader who purchases products in bulk quantity from producers and sells to vendors and retailers (sometimes to final customers also)

2. Derived From

Vendor: From Latin word 'vendere'
Supplier: It is an English word 'supplier'

3. Purpose

Vendor: To fulfill the demand of final consumers
Supplier: To fulfill the demand of vendors and retailers

4. Sort Of Business

Vendor: It uses business to customer (B2C) strategy
Supplier: It uses business to business (B2B) strategy

5. Link Between

Vendor: It is a link between supplier and customers
Supplier: It is a link between producers and vendors (rarely with final customers also)

6. Quantity Of Products

Vendor: They deal in small quantity of products
Supplier: Deal in large quantity of products

7. Risk Involved

Vendor: Less risk is involved
Supplier: High level of risk is involved

8. Relation With Producer

Vendor: Indirect relation
Supplier: Direct relation

Vendor Vs Supplier (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Trader who purchase goods from wholesalers or suppliers and sell to final consumers
Trader who purchase goods from producers and sells to vendors and retailers
Word Derived From

Latin word 'Vendere'
English word 'Supplier'

To satisfy customers
To fulfill the demand of vendors/retailers
Sort Of Business

Link Between

Suppliers and customers
Producers and vendors
Quantity Of Products

Risk Involved

Relation With Producers


I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between vendor and supplier and to make comparison between them.