Saturday, January 26, 2019

Difference Between Margin And Markup

Difference Between Margin And Markup
The main dissimilarities or difference between margin and markup can be described as follows:
1. Introduction
Margin: It is the difference between total sales revenue and total cost of goods sold
Markup: It is the ratio between cost price and selling price of the products

2. It Indicates

Margin: Profit according to the % of total sales
Markup: Profit according to the % of cost of the product

3. Function Of 

Margin: It is a function of sales
Markup: It is a function of cost

Also Read: 

4. Determination

Margin: It can be determined by using the following formula
Margin = (SP -CP)/SP
Where, SP = Selling Price and CP = Cost Price
Markup: It can be determined by using following formula
Markup = (SP-CP)/CP

5. Preferable

Margin: It is less preferable than markup because it understates the profitability as it is less than markup
Markup: It is more preferable than margin because it overstates the profitability as it is higher than margin.

Margin Vs Markup (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Difference between sales and cost of goods sold
Ratio between cost price and selling price

Profit according to the percentage of sales
Profit according to the percentage of cost
Function Of


(SP - CP)/SP
(SP - CP)/CP


I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between margin and markup and to make comparison between them.