Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Difference Between Merger And Acquisition

Difference Between Merger And Acquisition
The main dissimilarities or difference between merger and acquisition can be pointed out as follows:
1. Introduction
Merger: Formation of new company by combining two or more companies of similar size and nature
Acquisition: Taking control or acquiring the ownership of one company by another large company.

2. What Is It?

Merger: It is a combination
Acquisition: It is acquiring process

3. New Company

Merger: New company is emerged
Acquisition: New company is not emerged

4. Benefits

Merger: It reduces competition, improves efficiency and helps to achieve economies of scale
Acquisition: It helps to expand business and to reduce operational costs

5. New Stock

Merger: Existing stocks are surrendered and new stocks are issued for new company
Acquisition: No need to issue new stock

6. Name/Title

Merger: New name or title is provided for newly formed company
Acquisition: Name of the large company (acquiring company) is used

7. Power And Control

Merger: Equal power is shared between both companies
Acquisition: Acquiring company gains total power

Also Read: 

8. Size Of Companies

Merger: Generally, similar sized companies are merged together
Acquisition: Large company takes over the smaller company

9. Complexity

Merger: It is more complex process than acquisition because of lengthy legal procedures and more formalities
Acquisition: It is simple process because of less formalities and legal procedure.

Merger Vs Acquisition (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference


Combination of two or more companies to form a new company
Acquiring the ownership of one company by another company
It Is

New Company

Not emerged

reduce competition and improves efficiency
Expands business
New Stock

Not issued

Name of acquiring company
Power And Control

Equally shared
Acquiring company has full power and control
Size Of Companies

Large company acquires small company


I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between merger and acquisition and to make comparison between them.