Thursday, February 7, 2019

Difference Between Elastic And Inelastic Demand

Difference Between Elastic Demand And Inelastic Demand
The major dissimilarities or difference between elastic and inelastic demand can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Elastic Demand: Type of demand which responses or changes very quickly if there is a small change in the price or other factors.
Inelastic Demand: Type of demand which does not response or change quickly (very small change or no change) if there is a change in the price and other factors such as income and substitutes.

2. Nature

Elastic Demand: It is responsive or highly variable in nature
Inelastic Demand: It is sticky in nature

3. Applicable

Elastic Demand: This type of demand is applicable for comfort and luxury products 
Inelastic Demand: This type of demand is applicable for necessity goods or daily required products

4. Demand Curve

Elastic Demand: It is flat
Inelastic Demand: It is steeper

5. Substitute Products

Elastic Demand: Substitute products are widely available 
Inelastic Demand: Very few substitutes are available

6. Price Effect

Elastic Demand: If the price is increased, then total revenue will decrease and vice versa. 
Inelastic Demand: If the price is increased then total revenue will also increased and vice versa.

7. Consumers Sensitivity To Price Change

Elastic Demand: Highly sensitive
Inelastic Demand: Less sensitive

Also Read: 

8. Quantity

Elastic Demand: Quantity or demand will decrease if the price increases
Inelastic Demand: Quantity will remain same in case of increase in price

9. Examples

Elastic Demand: Television, car, jewelry etc.
Inelastic Demand: Medicine, water, milk etc.

Elastic Demand Vs Inelastic Demand (Comparison Chart)

Basis For Difference

Elastic Demand
Inelastic Demand

Kind of demand that responses quickly in case of small change in price or other factors
Kind of demand that does not response quickly in case of change in price or other factors

Applicable For

Comfort and luxury goods
Necessity goods
Demand Curve

Substitute Products

Consumers Sensitivity

Effect On Quantity

Quantity decreases if price increases
Quantity remains same in case of increase in price

Television, jewelry, car etc
Medicine, milk, water etc.
Price Effect

Revenue decreases if price is increased and vice versa
Revenue increases if price is increased and vice versa

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between elastic demand and inelastic demand and to make comparison between them.