Thursday, March 14, 2019

Difference Between Departmental Store And Multiple Shops

Difference Between Departmental Store And Multiple Shops

The major dissimilarities or difference between departmental store and multiple shop can be described as follows:

1. Introduction

Departmental Store: A form of retailing institution that deals with wide variety of products (all kinds of products) under single roof.
Multiple Shops: A type of retailing institution that consists number of stores (shops) in different locations with same name and same type of products under single management.

2. Product Variety

Departmental Store: It deals with wide variety of products. It sells almost all types of products.
Multiple Shops: It deals with limited type of products

3. Operational Area

Departmental Store: It is situated at central location and crowded areas.
Multiple Shops: It is located in the different parts of city or town

4. Operating Cost

Departmental Store: It requires large amount of money to establish and operate departmental store.
Multiple Shops: It requires relatively less money to operate multiple shops

5. Price Of Products

Departmental Store: Generally, price of products are high because of high operating costs
Multiple Shops: Prices are low because of less operating costs and elimination of intermediaries.

6. Credit Facility

Departmental Store: It provides credit facility to regular and loyal customers.
Multiple Shops: No such facility is given to customers

7. After Sales Services

Departmental Store: After sales service, installation service and other services are provided.
Multiple Shops: No such services are provided

8. Risk Involved

Departmental Store: It involves higher risk than multiple shops. Loss of one department cannot be fulfilled by the profit of another department.
Multiple Shops: It is less riskier than departmental store. Risk of one store can be recovered by the profit of another store or shop.

9. Division

Departmental Store: It is divided into several departments according to the type and nature of products.
Multiple Shops: It is a single store and there is no division into different departments.

10. Management

Departmental Store: Proper coordination, cooperation , management and control is possible because it is operated under a single roof
Multiple Shops: It is very complex and difficult to manage and control because shops are scattered at different places.

   Also Read:

11. Types Of Customers

Departmental Store: Rich and high class customers are attracted towards the departmental store.
Multiple Shop: Low and middle income groups and local people are the main customers of multiple shops.

Departmental Store Vs Multiple Shops (Comparison Chart)


Departmental Store
Multiple Shops

Retail institution that deals with all kinds of products under a single building
Retail institution with number of shops in different locations
Product Variety

Wide Variety
Operational Area

Central location
Difference locations
Operating Cost

Product Price

Credit Facility

After Sales Service

Risk Involved




High Class
Middle Class

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between departmental store and multiple shops and to make comparison between them.