Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Difference Between Cooperative Society And Joint Stock Company

Difference Between Cooperative Society And Joint Stock Company

The major dissimilarities or difference between cooperative society and joint stock company can be highlighted as follows:

1. Introduction

Cooperative Society: Type of business organization formed and operated by like minded people in the society to achieve economic and social benefit.
Joint Stock Company: Type of business organization owed and operated by association of persons (shareholders and promoters) with the motive of earning large amount of profit.

2. Formation And Registration

Cooperative Society: Minimum 25 members are required to form cooperative society. It is registered according to the Cooperative Act of the country,
Joint Stock Company: 1-7 members are required to form  joint stock company. It is registered and regulated by the Company Act of the country.

3. Formation Process

Cooperative Society: Formation and registration process is easy, less time consuming and less costly because of less legal formalities.
Joint Stock Company: It is complex, time consuming and costly process because of several steps and various legal formalities.

4. Objective/Purpose

Cooperative Society: Providing services to members and fulfilling social, economic and cultural needs of the society.
Joint Stock Company: To earn significant amount of profit.

5. Middlemen/Intermediaries

Cooperative Society: It eliminates the role of middlemen and intermediaries in the business.
Joint Stock Company: Middlemen and intermediaries play major role in the business of joint stock company.

6. Profit Motive Or Service Motive

Cooperative Society: Service motive and promotion of common welfare
Joint Stock Company: It is profit motive organization and seeks to earn higher profit.

7. Government Privilege And Control

Cooperative Society: Special privilege and less government control
Joint Stock Company: Less government privilege and strict control and regulation

8. Share Transfer

Cooperative Society: Members cannot transfer or sell their shares to others but they can withdraw
Joint Stock Company: Share are transferable

9. Proxy Allowed Or Not

Cooperative Society: No
Joint Stock Company: Yes

10. Types Of Customers

Cooperative Society: Mostly, members are also the customers of cooperatives
Joint Stock Company: Sellers and customers are different

11. Amount Of Capital

Cooperative Society: Less capital than joint stock company
Joint Stock Company: It can raise large amount of capital

Also Read: 

12. Voting Principle

Cooperative Society: It follows 1 man 1 vote principle
Joint Stock Company: It follows 1 share 1 vote principle

13. Members Type

Cooperative Society: Local people of the society
Joint Stock Company: Members are scattered and from different places.

14. Area Of Operation

Cooperative Society: It is operated in certain and limited area
Joint Stock Company: It is operated in national and international level

Cooperative Society Vs Joint Stock Company (Comparison Chart)


Cooperative Society
Joint Stock Company

Business organization formed by the local people to achieve social and economic benefit
Large business organization formed and operated by shareholders and promoters to earn huge amount of profit

Minimum 25
1-7 Members required
Formation Process

 Complex and lengthy

To fulfill social, cultural and economic needs of the society
To earn large amount of profit


Service Motive
Profit Motive
Government Privilege

Share Transfer

Proxy Allowed

Government Control


Voting Principle

1 man 1 vote
1 share 1 vote
Members Type

Local people

Specific area
National or international level

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between cooperative society and joint stock company and to make comparison between them.