Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Difference Between Funds Flow And Cash Flow Statement

Difference Between Funds Flow Statement And Cash Flow Statement
The major dissimilarities or difference between funds flow and cash flow statement can be described as follows:
1. Introduction
Funds Flow Statement: A statement which discloses the source of funds and areas where the received funds are utilized. It explains the change (increase or decrease) in a financial position of a firm between the two balance sheet periods.
Cash Flow Statement: A statement which shows the cash inflows and outflows and discloses the changes in cash balances during a period.

2. Part Of Financial Statement

Funds Flow Statement: No
Cash Flow Statement: Yes

3. Objective/Purpose

Funds Flow Statement: It is prepared to identify the causes of changes (increase or decrease) in working capital.
Cash Flow Statement: It is prepared to identify the causes of change (increase or decrease) in cash equivalents.


4. Concept

Funds Flow Statement: It is a wider concept
Cash Flow Statement: It is a narrow concept

Also Read: 

5. Basis Of Accounting

Funds Flow Statement: Accrual basis accounting system
Cash Flow Statement: Cash basis accounting system

6. Time Range

Funds Flow Statement: It focuses on the long term financial planning
Cash Flow Statement: It focuses in the short-run financial planning

7. Useful For

Funds Flow Statement: It is helpful for capital budgeting decision.
Cash Flow Statement: It is helpful for cash budget.

Funds Flow Vs Cash Flow Statement (Comparison Chart)


Funds Flow Statement
Cash Flow Statement

Statement that explains the source of fund and areas where the funds are utilized
Statement that explains cash inflows and outflows during a period
Part Of Financial Statement ?


To identify the causes of change in working capital
To identify the causes of change in cash equivalents

Accounting Basis

Accrual Basis
Cash Basis
Time Range

Long-term planning
Short-term planning
Useful For

Capital budgeting
Cash budget

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between funds flow and cash flow statement and to make comparison between them.