Friday, March 8, 2019

Difference Between Gambling And Speculation

Difference Between Gambling And Speculation
The major dissimilarities or difference between gambling and speculation can be pointed out as follows:
1. Introduction
Gambling: An act of deploying fund on risky an uncertain events such as card, casino etc. with the hope to gain additional money.
Speculation: An act of purchasing risky securities and assets to earn significant amount of profit.

2. Objective

Gambling: To make profit instantly
Speculation: To make profit in the near future

3. Skills And Knowledge

Gambling: It does not require any specific skills and knowledge because it depends on chance or luck
Speculation: It requires skills and knowledge about the nature of investment and expected return.

4. Hard Work

Gambling: No hard work is required for gambling
Speculation: Hard work is required

5. Risk Involved

Gambling: It is totally risky activity
Speculation: It involves less risk than gambling

6. Legality

Gambling: There are several legal restrictions in gambling
Speculation: It is 100 % legal activity

Also Read: 

7. Examples

Gambling: Card, casino, lottery, betting etc. are some examples of gambling
Speculation: Investments in financial or capital instruments

8. Time Horizon

Gambling: Very short period (only for few hours or some days)
Speculation: It is performed for longer period (maximum up to 1 year)

Gambling Vs Speculation (Comparison Chart)



Wagering money in risky event to earn additional money immediately
Deploying fund in risky assets and financial securities to gain profit

Instant profit
Profit in near future

Not required
Hard Work

Not required
Level Of Risk

Very high
Relatively low

Several restrictions
Time Horizon

Very Short
Longer than gambling

Casino, lottery, betting etc.
Capital instruments

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between gambling and speculation and to make comparison between them.