Saturday, March 9, 2019

Difference Between Investment And Gambling

Difference Between Investment And Gambling

The main dissimilarities or difference between investment and gambling can be described as follows:

1. Introduction

Investment: An act of purchasing assets or different forms of capital instruments with the aim to gain stable income in the future.
Gambling: An act of wagering money or funds on uncertain and risky activities with the aim of earning additional money instantly.

2. Objective/Purpose/Aim

Investment: To generate constant return in the future.
Gambling: To earn additional income instantly

3. Time Horizon

Investment: It is done for the long period of time (more than one year)
Gambling: It is a short term activity (only for few hours or for few days)

4. Risk Involved

Investment: It is less riskier than gambling
Gambling: It is very riskier than investment

5. Expected Return

Investment: Investor expects average return on his investment
Gambling: Gambler expects very high return

6. Certainty Of Income

Investment: Income is more certain stable than gambling
Gambling: There is no stability and certainty in income.

7. Based On

Investment: It is based on knowledge, skill and hard work of the investor
Gambling: It is fully based on luck and chance

8. Legality

Investment: It is 100% legal activity
Gambling: There are several legal restrictions

Also Read: 

9. Nature/Attitude Of Investor

Investment: Hardworking, cautious, disciplined and futuristic in nature
Gambling: Careless and aggressive in nature

10. Examples

Investment: Shares, debentures, bonds etc
Gambling: Lottery, cards, casino, betting etc.

Investment Vs Gambling (Comparison Chart)



Purchasing financial instruments and assets to gain profit in the future
Wagering money in uncertain activities to gain instant profit

Constant future income
Immediate return
Time Horizon

Risk Involved

Expected Return

Very high

Certain and stable
Uncertain and unstable
Based On

Knowledge and skill
Luck and chance

Several restrictions
Investor's Attitude

Cautious and disciplined

Share, bond, debenture etc
Card, lottery, betting etc.

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between investment and gambling and to make comparison between them.