Saturday, March 16, 2019

Difference Between Purchase Order And Sales Order

Difference Between Purchase Order And Sales Order
The major dissimilarities or difference between purchase order and sales order can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Purchase Order: Written document prepared by the purchaser to order required quantity of certain goods and services.
Sales Order: Written document prepared by the vendor or supplier of products or services to confirm the sales

2. Prepared By And Sent To

Purchase Order: It is prepared by the buyer and sent to a vendor/supplier
Sales Order: It is prepared by the seller/vendor/supplier and sent to a purchaser

3. Objective

Purchase Order: It helps to place an order
Sales Order: It helps to know the date and time of delivery

Also Read: 

4. Content

Purchase Order: It contains date, description of product, required quantity, quality, price, discount etc.
Sales Order: It contains date of delivery, time of delivery and mode of delivery

5. What Is It?

Purchase Order: It is a sales contract between vendor and purchaser
Sales Order: It is an approval of sale

Purchase Order Vs Sales Order (Comparison Chart)


Purchase Order
Sales Order 
Prepared By

Sent To


To place order
To know delivery time/date

Date, description, quantity, price, quality etc.
Date, time and mode of delivery
What Is It?

Sales contract
Approval of sale

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between purchase order and sales order and to make comparison between them.