Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Difference Between Perpetual And Periodic Inventory

Difference Between Perpetual Inventory And Periodic Inventory
The main dissimilarities or difference between perpetual and periodic inventory system can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Perpetual Inventory: It is a method of tracking, recording and updating the movement of inventory regularly after each transaction.
Periodic Inventory: It is a method of tracking and measuring the stock occasionally or periodically.

2. What Is It?

Perpetual Inventory: It is a real-time or continuous counting of stock.
Periodic Inventory: It is a time to time or occasional counting of stock.

3. Cost And Time Required

Perpetual Inventory: It requires more cost and more time because of more and regular record keeping.
Periodic Inventory: It requires less cost and time to maintain inventory record.

4. Suitability

Perpetual Inventory: This method is suitable for large firms with high volume of business transactions.
Periodic Inventory: This method is suitable for new and small firms with less volume of business transactions.

5. Closing Entries

Perpetual Inventory: Not required because of up to date record
Periodic Inventory: Required to obtain the cost of goods sold

6. Based On

Perpetual Inventory: Individual transaction (purchase, purchase return, sales etc.)
Periodic Inventory: Lump sum ( total purchase, total sales etc.)

7. Type Of Data Obtained

Perpetual Inventory: Real-time
Periodic Inventory: Retrospect

8. Inventory Control

Perpetual Inventory: It is easy to control inventory because of regular update
Periodic Inventory: It is very difficult to control inventory because it lacks regular recording and updating.

9. Preparation Of Temporary Accounts

Perpetual Inventory: No need to prepare temporary accounts.
Periodic Inventory: Temporary accounts such as purchase account, purchase return account, sales account etc. should be maintained.

Perpetual Inventory Vs Periodic Inventory (Comparison Chart)


 Perpetual Inventory
 Periodic Inventory

 Regular tracking,and updating of inventory movement
 Periodically updating the movement of inventory
 It Is

 Real time counting
 Occasional counting

 Suitable For

 Large firms
 Small firms
 Closing Entries

 Not required
 Based On

 Each transaction
 Lump sum
 Data Obtained

 Real time data

 Temporary Accounts

 Not needed

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between perpetual and periodic inventory system and to make comparison between them.