Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Difference Between Award And Reward

Difference Between Award And Reward
The major dissimilarities or difference between award and reward can be highlighted as follows:
1. What Is It ?
Award: It is a recognition
Reward: It is an encouragement

2. Result Of

Award: It is a result of excellence, achievement, contribution etc.
Reward: It is a result of effort, loyalty, faithful service etc.

3. Reflect

Award: It reflects a person's or group's achievement.
Reward: It reflects person's contribution, honesty and loyalty.

4. How It Is Granted?

Award: It is granted publicly
Reward: It is granted privately.

5. Called

Award: Awarded (prize is awarded to him/her)
Reward: Given (reward is given to him/her)

6. Decision Made By

Award: Committee or panel decide award.
Reward: It is decided by individual judgment

7. Formality Required

Award: More formality is required
Reward: Less formality needed

8. Related To

Award: It is related to positive activities or things only
Reward: It is related to both positive or negative things and activities.

9. Grandiose Level

Award: More
Reward: Less

10. Examples

Award: cash prize, certificate, medal, trophy, title etc. are some examples of award
Reward: financial and non financial gifts, promotions, transfers etc. are some examples of reward.

Award Vs Reward 
(Comparison Chart)


 It Is

 Result Of

 Excellence and contribution
 Effort and loyalty

 Honesty and loyalty


 Decision Made

 By panel/committee
 By Individual judgment

 Related To

 Positive activities
 Positive or negative things/activities
 Grandiose Level


 Cash prize, medal, title, trophy etc.
 promotion, transfer, and other benefits

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between award and reward and to make comparison between them.