Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Difference Between Morals And Ethics

Difference Between Morals And Ethics
The major dissimilarities or difference between morals and ethics can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Morals: Principles, beliefs and habits of individuals to judge what is right and what is wrong.
Ethics: Philosophical discipline that guides person's behavior and action.

2. Root Word/Taken From

Morals: 'Mos' (  Greek word)
Ethics: 'Ethiko' ( Greek word)

3. Comes From

Morals: It comes from personal knowledge and experience
Ethics: It comes from society, culture and religion.

4. Flexibility

Morals: It is more flexible than ethics because it is based on personal norms and values.
Ethics: It is less flexible than morals because it is based on the social values.

5. Guided By

Morals: Individual norms
Ethics: Social, cultural and legal norms

6. Applicable In Business Or Not

Moral: It is not applicable
Ethics: Yes, business ethics are necessary to conduct business activities.

7. Scope

Morals: It has limited scope than ethics
Ethics: It has wider scope than morals.

Morals Vs Ethics (Comparison Chart)



 Beliefs or habits of someone to judge something
 Philosophical discipline that guides someone's behavior
 Word Derived

 From 'Mos"
 From 'Ethiko'
 Comes From


 Guided By

 Individual Norms
 Sociocultural Norms
 In Business

 Not applicable

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between morals and ethics and to make comparison between them.