Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Difference Between Biography And Autobiography

Difference Between Biography And Autobiography
The major dissimilarities or difference between biography and autobiography can be highlighted as follows:
1. Introduction
Biography: A detailed description (facts and information) of someone's life written by another person.
Autobiography: A detailed description of someone's life written by herself/himself.

2. Writer

Biography: It is narrated and written by another person.
Autobiography: It is narrated and written  by person himself/herself

3. Nature

Biography: It is objective in nature
Autobiography: It is subjective in nature

4. Objective/Purpose

Biography: To provide the information about the life of famous person.
Autobiography: To express and share the story of own life

5. Study And Research

Biography: Deep study and research required to collect factual information.
Autobiography: Not needed

6. Writing Style

Biography: Third person such as he, she, they etc.
Autobiography: First person such as I, we, me etc.

7. Based On

Biography: It is based on the research, facts and history of the person
Autobiography: It is based on experience, emotion, memory and thoughts of the writer.

8. Chance Of Mistake

Biography: High chance
Autobiography: No chance of mistake

9. Consent Required Or Not

Biography: Consent may required to write biography
Autobiography: Not required

10. Highlight

Biography: It highlights the positive or negative part of the person's life.
Autobiography: It generally highlights positive part only.

Biography Vs Autobiography (Comparison Chart)



 Someone's life story written by others
 Someone's life description written by himself

 Another Person


 Share the story of famous people
 Share the story of own life

 Not needed
 Writing Style

 Third Person
 First Person
 Based On

 History and facts
 Experience and memory

 High Chance

 May require
 Not required

 Positive and negative part
 Positive part only

I hope this post is helpful to understand the difference between biography and autobiography and to make comparison between them.